We operate in accordance with your needs, check our capabilities today
A wide range and comprehensive service

Our printing house has an extensive graphic and pre-press department, computer graphics with many years of experience and great skills.
We also have our own digital printing forms prepress workshop, both for flexographic printing (HD Flexo polymers) and offset printing. These are devices from Screen, Esko, Glunz&Jensen, Macintosch, proof - GMG.
We use the latest and innovative technologies to ensure the highest quality and satisfaction of our customers
Newest technologies
high quality, short lead times

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Our company in numbers
year 2022
About us
With our diverse offer, fast implementation and modern solutions, we are ready for any challenge
5 reasons to cooperate with Drukarnia Franczak

For 35 years of our presence on the market and reliable work, we have gained the trust of many customers, both in the country and abroad.
Full professionalism and 100% commitment of our entire team makes us an honorable place among the top Polish packaging manufacturers. We are constantly working on our own development and strictly control all our products in terms of quality, durability and safety. The obtained certificates and prestigious awards only allow us to confirm our belief that our goal - constant striving for perfection and full satisfaction of our customers - is right.
Cooperation with leading companies on the market guarantees the highest quality of services
Our success is based on strategic partnerships